


Harry Ewers and Sons, Inc. was established in 1908 by Harry Ewers. At first, the main business was hauling sand and gravel but they gradually expanded into residential coal and building materials. With his 4 sons and 2 daughters as the main labor force, the company flourished and in the mid 1920’s they built a 10 unit concrete silo facility which became their landmark.

That facility was completely constructed by the Ewers family themselves during idle time.

That silo was used to store coal throughout the 1930’s and 1940’s until the residential use of coal subsided in the 1950’s, then it was converted into bulk cement storage.

During the mid 1930’s they could see that the future of coal was not good so they looked to replace that area of the business.

In 1938 they embarked into Blacktop paving, this became the bulk of the business.

It is with great pride that we enjoy a reputation second to none in this line of work.

At the present time, the 4th generation of the Ewers family runs the business and we look to the future with great expectations.

Copyright © 2006 Ewers & Sons • 3512Woodford Road • Cincinnati, OH 45213
phone: 513.531.0023 • fax: 513.531.0024